Monday, November 29, 2010

Ornament Chandelier Idea...

I found this idea at My Home Ideas.  Such a cute idea.

This lovely idea is from Better Homes and Garden.

And this one is my favorite!  I'm thinking the table might have something to do with it, love the color.  I found this at Country Living.
I decided to hang some ornaments from my chandelier.  I first wrapped some red berry and beaded garland around the top.  I also taped some red and white ribbon to my chandelier and to my hurricane on the table.  In the hurricane I filled it with red ornaments and gold pears.
For the chandelier and used different colors of ribbon and ornaments and hung them various lengths. 

I love how it turned out and it was so easy.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas Skirt and Shirt Idea...

I just went on a Christmas fabric shopping spree to JoAnn's Fabric (don't tell my husband :/).  I just finished this last night.  So fun.  My camera battery was dead so some of the pictures aren't as clear because they're from my phone.
I bought 3 types of christmasy patterns and got half a yard in each.  I then cut them into six inch strips that have a slight angle on the sides and end up five inches at the top.

If you just keep flipping your fabric back and forth with a sample piece and cut around it you won't waste any more fabric than you have to.  I am so not a perfectionist so they were definitely not precise.
When I was finished I had 9 strips of each.  For my 5 yr old I used 5 strips each and for my 3 yr old I ended up with 4 each.  If you only have one girl to make a skirt for you might at well make a smaller one for a gift or something :).

Then I just layed it out and figured out what pattern I wanted.
I surged all my pieces together but you can zig-zag them if you don't have a surger.  Remember to always sew with right sides together and above you can see what it looked like before I sewed the two ends together.
I wanted the skirt to have a little flair so I added mesh netting and liner underneath to give it a little lift.  I just roughly made them the same size, then put them inside the skirt and pinned them all together.  Then I sewed them all together with a wide stitch.
Next, I made a gathering stitch and gathered the skirt to prepare it for the elastic band I attached it to.

For the tutorial on making a skirt with a wide elastic band click HERE. 
Then I added a pink satin ribbon to cover my surged edge.

I found this perfect green shirt at Target and added this doiley lace to the top of it.  I love how it turned out!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thanksgivings Craft Ideas...

I loved these Pilgrim Hat place settings made from little pots and chalkboard paint.  Tutorial found at Jelly Junkyard.

I wish I had a vinyl machine.  Isn't this such a cute idea?  You can see how she made them over at Thrive.

I've been wanting to make a cute Turkey shirt and this is adorable.  The tutorial is over at The Cottage Home.