Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Best Homemade Salsa Recipe...

With all the barbeque's going on this summer I'm going to post a bunch of recipes that can be useful for these shindigs.
I got this recipe from my uncle about 10 years ago, and I've only changed it slightly from his.  Every time I make it I have people asking me for this recipe.  It's one of my pride and joys because salsa is one of my favorite snacks.  I can't make it too often because honestly I can't stop myself from eating it until it's all gone.

Best Homemade Salsa Recipe:
1 can whole peeled tomatoes 28 oz.
1 can diced tomatoes and green chilies 10-14 oz.
1 medium onion
3-5 garlic cloves (If they are big then do 3, if small do 5)
handful of cilantro
1 lime or squirt equivalent to 1 lime
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/2 - 2 roasted jalapenos (depending where you get them and their hotness)
In a food processor blend all ingredients until finely blended.
Directions for Jalapenos:
Place on a cooking sheet or foil at 35O degrees for 15-20 minutes, turning once.  It should look like the jalapeno in the above picture or a little darker.  Roasting the jalapeno makes a BIG difference in the flavor.  I always start off with half and then taste it to see if I like the hotness, and go from there. 

You will be the talk of the party with this recipe I promise!

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