Thursday, June 3, 2010

Baby Boy Gift Idea...

I like to buy a big pack of  burp cloths and onesies and dress them up a little and give them as baby gifts.  Girls are so easy to think of fun frilly ideas, but boys are a little harder.  I bought three patterns of fabric from Hobby Lobby and used them to make these burp cloths and onesies cute.  I used pinking shears on the edges as seen above so the material wouldn't keep fraying.  Down below you can see I cut out a couple of trucks from the pattern above and stitched all around the edges onto the onesie.  I have an embroidering machine so I made a bunch of C's and embroidered his name out different ways and attached them to the burp cloths and onesies.  If you don't have an embroidering  machine you can find iron on letters at all the craft stores. 
I bought this 5 pack of multi colored onesies from Target.  They also have cute colors for girls. :)

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